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Superpower: Purple!

When my Mom came to meet me, I just knew we were gonna get along because she brought a purple harness and leash with her!! I rock the color purple! (Mom does too!) Purple is my superpower color, too! I get to wear a purple people puller every day! Oh, I mean a purple harness and leash because I am working on that pulling thing I tend to do. I’m a big dog in a little body and I can pull hard!!

While we were out on a walk in the hood, we came upon these lovely purple flowers. I was asked to pose (ok, really just sit and wait) for a photo op. I gotta admit, it turned out pretty good. I’m all matchy-matchy just like Mom likes it!

Mom just ordered me a purple coat for the rainy season, too! Wahoo, it’s the Rylie life! Purple Power!

Purple power poser!
Purple power poser!

Leave no trace, everyone needs personal space!

We walk routinely and I love it! Every morning, after Mom and Pops drink their energy drink (coffee) we go for a walk together and we go all the way around the block. We get to visit the designated Wilderness Space that’s part of the neighborhood. Lots of open green space and old growth trees with trails. We always arrive prepared to #leavenotrace and I am also learning that everyone needs their personal space. It’s just so hard for me to WAIT sometimes!

Learning about personal space
Learning about personal space

Mom and me at the park!

We visit the local Cottage Lake Park a lot. It has nice opens spaces, lake views and lots of distractions that are perfect for my training. Mom got a purple treat pouch to match my gear and we walk the park practicing all the things that she calls “manners.” Whatever she calls em, I’m in for those Zuke’s treats! Positive reinforcement, I call it biscuit enforcement. When I follow along, I get tasty rewards.


Training at the park

Training at the park


I walked 30 miles, and I was still all smiles!

My first week in my new home, I have walked every day. Several times a day. New sights and sounds, so much to explore! I love the fresh air. I go crazy for the wide open grassy areas. I am working on listening to my Mom and Pops and following Sweet Kody’s lead while we walk. Who knew I’d rack up 30 miles!? After my naps, I was still all smiles!


We walk at the park, and I try not to bark!

Our routine (I love my new routine!) includes walking at the park. There are nice paved walkways, views of the lake and so many things to investigate!! When we see other dogs or people with their kids, I try not to bark. Sweet Kody doesn’t bark so I try to be like him. I am still not sure about the little people, though. The little people LOVE to meet Sweet Kody. Right now, I just observe. One day, when I am out of my puppy-everything-goes-in-the-mouth and jumping phase, I will let the little people pet me. For now, I am taking all my training queues from Kody.
