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End of Summer is a Bummer!

The end of Summer brings the end of balloon season. In our area we regularly see hot air balloons on our evening walks. You can hear them before you see them. Sometimes the sound makes me bark. One night we saw 3 at one time! We saw 2 while walking at the park the other night!

Here’s the balloon we saw from our front yard the other night!


Underdog was here and I grabbed him by the ear!

It was clear, when my Super Hero appeared, I had absolutely no fear. Underdog was here, and I grabbed his ear! My Mom found this toy (isn’t it just perfect!?!) on

The crackle noise and talking it does, gets me all fired up! When I see Mom drop him into her treat bag, I know we’re headed for some fun adventures! There’s no need to fear, Underdog Rylie is HERE!!


I’m a big dog!

See my big dog ball!?! This ball is yet another toy the Sweet Kody-oh shared with me. I can move it around with my nose, but my favorite is to play with it on the patio! I am oh-so-proud of myself when I can actually pick it up and carry it, just like a big dog!! Yep, I have big-dog-self-confidence, I do!

Patio time, my favorite!
Patio time, my favorite!

Any time is great for patio time!

My Mom got this really nice setup that she put on the patio just for me and Sweet Kody. Now, we can go out and play on the patio without getting into trouble digging up the gardens and such. This also gives us a space to work on togetherness. We like to sit on the patio together, just like we do at the park or on the trails. I’m just so happy to be here that it’s hard for me to not jump (and bite) with joy!

Learning our patio manners
Learning our patio manners

Ohhhh, it’s a kitty cat!!

That kitty cat is MY Sissy-Cat!

I am slowly learning about interactions with my fur-family here in my new home. Sissy-Cat is a brave girl and she comes up to see me regularly. I don’t understand why she’s different than the rabbits I want to chase except she’s INSIDE and they’re OUTSIDE. We are taking small steps to get along. It will take some time because I’m still such a puppy but I watch Kody and Sissy and they get along well so I’m trying to follow Sweet Kody’s example.

Meeting my kitty cat!
Meeting my kitty cat!
Learning to get along with others
Learning to get along with others

I can play toss like a Boss!

I absolutely LOVE to play toss. I can fetch it like a Boss, too! Mom picked up this pink soccer ball on the day she brought me home. I’m so glad she did because then I could show them both what I already knew, how to bring it back! We play this game a lot and I am learning the rules of the game: Stop (this usually means quit chewing), Drop (this means let go) and Sit (this is required before the next throw can commence!) All of these steps are required to get another toss!

I have several toys besides this one. I can make any of them a fetch toy, too! Betchya didn’t know THAT about me, either! <woof-woof!>
