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End of Summer is a Bummer!

The end of Summer brings the end of balloon season. In our area we regularly see hot air balloons on our evening walks. You can hear them before you see them. Sometimes the sound makes me bark. One night we saw 3 at one time! We saw 2 while walking at the park the other night!

Here’s the balloon we saw from our front yard the other night!


Any day is a trail dog day, I say!

🐾💜🐾 Traildog day! I love this Tolt Pipeline Trail. We meet lots of nice people who stop to inquire about both me and Sweet Kody. We sure get squirrelly when we get our snouts full of all the smells, sharing this trail with other dogs, goats and horses to say nothing of the wildlife critters! We’re busy-busy-busy on this trail. We’ve simply got to check everything out! Good exercise for all of us on this nice local trail. What is your favorite trail?

#sun #freshair #exercise #weekend #fun #underdogrylie #underdog #superhero #training #manners #dogsofinstagram #puppy #puppiesofinstagram #rescue #rescuedog #rescued #newlife #secondchance #love #newhome #adopt #adopteddog #adopteddogs #adopteddogsofinstagram


To be groomed or not to be groomed?

This is my #before #grooming picture. My Mom seemed to think I needed a good clean up!?! I like my purple but I’m not much on “fashion” and girly-girl kinds of things. I’m a big dog that doesn’t need to be fluffed. I kinda like my “sheepdog” look. What about you?
Comment below and let this Underdog know, do I really need a bow?!

Hollywood Here I Come!!

Underdog was here and I grabbed him by the ear!

It was clear, when my Super Hero appeared, I had absolutely no fear. Underdog was here, and I grabbed his ear! My Mom found this toy (isn’t it just perfect!?!) on

The crackle noise and talking it does, gets me all fired up! When I see Mom drop him into her treat bag, I know we’re headed for some fun adventures! There’s no need to fear, Underdog Rylie is HERE!!


Our favorite spot when it’s hot!

Paradise Lake Conservancy Area

We love to go walking in the woods. Especially on hot days when the trees provide lots of shade. No hot cement on my feet. I saw a deer on this hike. I also met some new people and even a dog or two. I still channel my inner-Cujo when I’m scared and uncertain. I can look pretty silly losing my marbles when Sweet Kody just sits there and lets the interlopers pass by… I will continue to work on attaining my Kody-like-zen!
