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To be groomed or not to be groomed?

This is my #before #grooming picture. My Mom seemed to think I needed a good clean up!?! I like my purple but I’m not much on “fashion” and girly-girl kinds of things. I’m a big dog that doesn’t need to be fluffed. I kinda like my “sheepdog” look. What about you?
Comment below and let this Underdog know, do I really need a bow?!

Hollywood Here I Come!!

Looking hip, with my Cheeto lips!

Cheeto lips, that’s what Mom calls this look that I’m sporting. And, oh-by-the-way, do I look like I really care? I tend to do what Mom calls “street huffing” on our walks.  This is where my chin drags on the cement gathering all manner of things! She tells me to keep my head up, but the smells sometimes, they just have to meet my snout! Pops is my designated “beard cleaner.” But, until he does it, she calls me Cheeto lips!!


My second visit to the vet!

Visited my vet and now I am all set!

I wasn’t as happy go lucky on my second visit to the vet. I was actually kinda scared. All the smells and sounds were making me nervous. Thank goodness my Pops was there to reassure me. I weighed in at 20lbs! I just keep growing and growing! Turns out my vet isn’t so bad. He gives me treats while I get my vaccines. Now, I’m all up-to-date. Next visit will be just for a weight check to get my next Sentinel dose. By the end of the visit, I was making myself comfortable… for more treats, of course!


Any time is great for patio time!

My Mom got this really nice setup that she put on the patio just for me and Sweet Kody. Now, we can go out and play on the patio without getting into trouble digging up the gardens and such. This also gives us a space to work on togetherness. We like to sit on the patio together, just like we do at the park or on the trails. I’m just so happy to be here that it’s hard for me to not jump (and bite) with joy!

Learning our patio manners
Learning our patio manners

Ohhhh, it’s a kitty cat!!

That kitty cat is MY Sissy-Cat!

I am slowly learning about interactions with my fur-family here in my new home. Sissy-Cat is a brave girl and she comes up to see me regularly. I don’t understand why she’s different than the rabbits I want to chase except she’s INSIDE and they’re OUTSIDE. We are taking small steps to get along. It will take some time because I’m still such a puppy but I watch Kody and Sissy and they get along well so I’m trying to follow Sweet Kody’s example.

Meeting my kitty cat!
Meeting my kitty cat!
Learning to get along with others
Learning to get along with others