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My First Day

My first morning, I woke my new Mom up at 4am, but she’s an earlier riser anyway, so it wasn’t too early. Sometimes she’s up at that time for online meetings. I’m so lucky that my Mom works from home and my Pops is retired – I hit the jackpot! Anyway, we went outside so I could pee-pee and then we came back inside for snuggles. I like belly rubs, a lot! After Mom had coffee, we joined Pops and Sweet Kody for my first day of “block walking!” We walked 4 times that day! Boy, was I tuckered out!! I petered out at 8pm!


Hello Woodinville!

My name is Underdogy Rylie! Formerly, Bubbles. I hail from the South but I am anything but a “Southern Bell!” I am a rough and tumble, wash and wear kinda girl. I was rescued by Underdog Railroad Rescue, in April 2019. My cute “Bubbles” mug generated lots of adoption applications. I’m hoping they will help my rescue-mates! My Foster-Mom arranged several meet-N-sniffs before I found the perfect family for ME! Tune in here, to find out all about my second chance, The Rylie Life!


I found the perfect family!

On June 2nd, I was nervous for my next Meet-N-Sniff… I’d had 6 previous meetups and none were the perfect match for me. My Foster Mom knew that I needed a home with routine, activity and a BIG DOG that I could bond with – you see, I am a big dog in a little body! My personality is a bold as my cuteness! On that Sunday, I met Sweet Kody, Rusty and Linna. I just knew they were the ones! They completed my paperwork and then we were on our way! We cruised up I-5 to Woodinville, and I slept the entire way! I was nervous, what with all the changes in my young life, but I was also excited for the new set of adventures ahead!
