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Underdog was here and I grabbed him by the ear!

It was clear, when my Super Hero appeared, I had absolutely no fear. Underdog was here, and I grabbed his ear! My Mom found this toy (isn’t it just perfect!?!) on

The crackle noise and talking it does, gets me all fired up! When I see Mom drop him into her treat bag, I know we’re headed for some fun adventures! There’s no need to fear, Underdog Rylie is HERE!!


Looking hip, with my Cheeto lips!

Cheeto lips, that’s what Mom calls this look that I’m sporting. And, oh-by-the-way, do I look like I really care? I tend to do what Mom calls “street huffing” on our walks.  This is where my chin drags on the cement gathering all manner of things! She tells me to keep my head up, but the smells sometimes, they just have to meet my snout! Pops is my designated “beard cleaner.” But, until he does it, she calls me Cheeto lips!!


Our favorite spot when it’s hot!

Paradise Lake Conservancy Area

We love to go walking in the woods. Especially on hot days when the trees provide lots of shade. No hot cement on my feet. I saw a deer on this hike. I also met some new people and even a dog or two. I still channel my inner-Cujo when I’m scared and uncertain. I can look pretty silly losing my marbles when Sweet Kody just sits there and lets the interlopers pass by… I will continue to work on attaining my Kody-like-zen!
