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Superpower: Purple!

When my Mom came to meet me, I just knew we were gonna get along because she brought a purple harness and leash with her!! I rock the color purple! (Mom does too!) Purple is my superpower color, too! I get to wear a purple people puller every day! Oh, I mean a purple harness and leash because I am working on that pulling thing I tend to do. I’m a big dog in a little body and I can pull hard!!

While we were out on a walk in the hood, we came upon these lovely purple flowers. I was asked to pose (ok, really just sit and wait) for a photo op. I gotta admit, it turned out pretty good. I’m all matchy-matchy just like Mom likes it!

Mom just ordered me a purple coat for the rainy season, too! Wahoo, it’s the Rylie life! Purple Power!

Purple power poser!
Purple power poser!

It’s my one month anniversary!

It’s been tough, but I’ve made it a month!

All the changes I’ve been through have tested my adaptability and ability to truly trust. But, I’m tough and here it’s been a full month in my new home at “Camp Woodinville.” I have a whole family of fur-friends and my Mom and Pops have been very sensitive to my early life start and experiences and how that might affect my willingness at some things. They are consistent in setting the boundaries so that I can “adapt” to my new life. And I simply LOVE my Sweet Kody and this blue bone that he gave me on my first night here. I am certain I’m gonna like it here!

My one month anniversary!
My one month anniversary!
