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I can play toss like a Boss!

I absolutely LOVE to play toss. I can fetch it like a Boss, too! Mom picked up this pink soccer ball on the day she brought me home. I’m so glad she did because then I could show them both what I already knew, how to bring it back! We play this game a lot and I am learning the rules of the game: Stop (this usually means quit chewing), Drop (this means let go) and Sit (this is required before the next throw can commence!) All of these steps are required to get another toss!

I have several toys besides this one. I can make any of them a fetch toy, too! Betchya didn’t know THAT about me, either! <woof-woof!>


Puppies chew, that’s what we do!

I lost several of my puppy teeth while I was with my Foster Mom. But I have all my adult teeth now. Part of being a puppy is putting everything in my mouth! 🐶 Toys make sure I exercise my new teeth on appropriate things. I like this bone my Sweet Kody shared with me. It’s held up well to all my gnawing! I like to toss this one around cuz it makes a lot of “look at me!” noise 🐾 😁


I walked 30 miles, and I was still all smiles!

My first week in my new home, I have walked every day. Several times a day. New sights and sounds, so much to explore! I love the fresh air. I go crazy for the wide open grassy areas. I am working on listening to my Mom and Pops and following Sweet Kody’s lead while we walk. Who knew I’d rack up 30 miles!? After my naps, I was still all smiles!


We walk at the park, and I try not to bark!

Our routine (I love my new routine!) includes walking at the park. There are nice paved walkways, views of the lake and so many things to investigate!! When we see other dogs or people with their kids, I try not to bark. Sweet Kody doesn’t bark so I try to be like him. I am still not sure about the little people, though. The little people LOVE to meet Sweet Kody. Right now, I just observe. One day, when I am out of my puppy-everything-goes-in-the-mouth and jumping phase, I will let the little people pet me. For now, I am taking all my training queues from Kody.


The coast was clear, and I saw a Deer!

I take my first walk of the day with Sweet Kody at 6:30am. The Gang of Riff Raff lives around the corner and so we walk at 6:30am to minimize encounters with them. At this time of day, I have seen bunnies, squirrels, birds and now A 🦌 DEER 🦌!!! It was soooo hard to “Wait” and “Watch” at a time like that!! Boy, was it a big one and it ran and hopped then leaped and disappeared into the trees. WHOA! 😲 Then, we turned around and finished our walk home.

We saw a deer!
We saw a deer!