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Rylie’s Underdog Blog

“There’s no need to fear, when Underdog Rylie is near!”

Superpower: Chewing!

Superpower: Chewing!

So, you know that KONG bone that was my favorite because it was just my size, and fit me perfectly... yeah, it got taken away when Mom noticed that my #superpower #chewing had breached the #integrity of the toy. I was sad 😢 but then this West Paw 🦴...

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To be groomed or not to be groomed?

To be groomed or not to be groomed?

This is my #before #grooming picture. My Mom seemed to think I needed a good clean up!?! I like my purple but I'm not much on "fashion" and girly-girl kinds of things. I'm a big dog that doesn't need to be fluffed. I kinda like my “sheepdog” look. What about...

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Looking hip, with my Cheeto lips!

Looking hip, with my Cheeto lips!

Cheeto lips, that’s what Mom calls this look that I’m sporting. And, oh-by-the-way, do I look like I really care? I tend to do what Mom calls “street huffing” on our walks.  This is where my chin drags on the cement gathering all manner of things! She tells me to keep...

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I’m a big dog!

I’m a big dog!

See my big dog ball!?! This ball is yet another toy the Sweet Kody-oh shared with me. I can move it around with my nose, but my favorite is to play with it on the patio! I am oh-so-proud of myself when I can actually pick it up and carry it, just like a big dog!! Yep,...

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My second visit to the vet!

My second visit to the vet!

Visited my vet and now I am all set! I wasn't as happy go lucky on my second visit to the vet. I was actually kinda scared. All the smells and sounds were making me nervous. Thank goodness my Pops was there to reassure me. I weighed in at 20lbs! I just keep growing...

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I like being a trail dog!

I like being a trail dog!

Yes, yes, I do like the trails best! There's lots of choices for trail walking in our area. Paradise Lake Conservation area is just a short car ride away. So is Brightwater trails. I'm still unsure of strangers and other dogs on the trail but I really like the trail...

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Any time is great for patio time!

Any time is great for patio time!

My Mom got this really nice setup that she put on the patio just for me and Sweet Kody. Now, we can go out and play on the patio without getting into trouble digging up the gardens and such. This also gives us a space to work on togetherness. We like to sit on the...

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Ohhhh, it’s a kitty cat!!

Ohhhh, it’s a kitty cat!!

That kitty cat is MY Sissy-Cat! I am slowly learning about interactions with my fur-family here in my new home. Sissy-Cat is a brave girl and she comes up to see me regularly. I don't understand why she's different than the rabbits I want to chase except she's INSIDE...

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Paw Print

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